Chris Martell oversees all corporate operations and provides high-level support to ESA staff in the execution of environmental services for real estate transactions, litigation ...">


The Industrial and Office
Real Estate Brokers Association

Christopher Martell

Martell, Christopher

495 Union Ave.
Middlesex,NJ  08846


Chris Martell oversees all corporate operations and provides high-level support to ESA staff in the execution of environmental services for real estate transactions, litigation support, air/wetland permitting, and regulatory compliance. With more than 28 years of technical and project management experience as an environmental professional, Mr. Martell has personally performed numerous site investigations and environmental remediation projects in accordance with New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (TRSR). He has managed projects involving hazardous site investigation and cleanup (soil and groundwater), Preliminary Assessments (PA), Site and Remedial Investigations (SI/RI), Remedial Actions (RA), Remedial Action Workplans (RAW), and Underground Storage Tank (UST) removals.


Chris serves as a committee chairperson for the Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast (BCONE).

Company Profile

ESA Environmental Consultants specializes in the investigation and remediation of contaminated properties. ESA's goal is to increase the value of client assets by reducing their environmental liabilities and bringing them into regulatory compliance. Services include environmental due diligence, LSRP services, brownfields remediation strategies, ISRA compliance, and environmental risk assessment. ESA is headquartered in Middlesex, New Jersey.

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